New York, New York
The World of Fashion Modeling and How to enter
What is meant by Fashion Modeling?
Fashion modeling is the art of showcasing the clothes and accessories manufactured by a designer which a model carries on photoshoots for magazines and editorials to represent a specific brand and its style. A fashion model wears an outfit or dress given by a designer of a brand and display it on runways and haute couture and presents it in a way that makes the piece prominent and unique. This way it will remain memorable for many decades. Fashion models usually work with photographers, designers and brand directors. In some scenarios, the famous fashion models are also hired as a brand ambassador because of their style and popularity.
Qualities that a Fashion model must have when starting their career:
Fashion modeling is a highly creative career, which means there are a lot of chances for trial and error. It requires patience until it becomes perfect and recognizable. After practicing for years, a model learns to handle different situations in front of them.
The qualities which a fashion model requires to make their career successful and standing firm in this high demand field.
Love your passion:
Is fashion modeling your dream? If yes, then you should be passionate about it. Fashion modeling is all about loving and enjoying the clothes you are wearing. A modeling career is super saturated and to stand out from the crowd, it is necessary to be eagerly furious in your work. By that time, a model can make their own style to be more distinctive from others.
Excellent communication skills:
To start a fashion modeling career, it is important to communicate well because you can’t just work with one brand. Since it is a creative field, you need to work with multiple brands with different aesthetics to show your skills as a versatile fashion or editorial model. In order to do that, you need good communication skills to work with different clients.
Confidence is the key:
When a model walks on a runway, no matter what clothes he/she is wearing or how attractive the design of a dress is, viewers always notice the way the model feels, walks, and poses. Even if only once a model reacts awkwardly in front of a crowd, people start judging the model and it will directly affect the brand status a model is working with. That’s why always be confident about yourself. Let your body language express emotions. Do a lot of practice before giving an audition. The way a model talks, the way he/she walks, the way their body moves, these all count and this is totally dependent of your confidence level. To boost your confidence level always trust yourself, be aware of your strengths as well as your weaknesses.
Handle criticism effectively:
“Don’t listen or let go of what people think about you” is an overused statement but the truth is people will judge you and your work and it will highly impact on a model’s profile because model is not less than a public figure. If people like the appearance of a fashion model they start noticing them, copying their style and if they don’t like it, this is where the criticism starts. At this point, control your anger and don’t react to people’s comments, that’s the only way to step back. A smart person always take criticism about their work as a lesson to make it better next time. If you make a mistake, its not the end of the world. After all, we are human beings. We make mistakes and learn from them. The best way is to take criticism as a feedback, take a note of your mistakes and learn from them. Don’t take these mean comments personally, it will not only make you feel unworthy but it can also affect your physical as well as mental health.
Maintain your health and body shape:
For a fashion model, fitness is more crucial than anything. Make a schedule and stick to that to maintain a healthy weight. Do exercise regularly and consistently, limit processed food in your diet. Not only your body shape has to be perfect but glowy and younger looking skin is always a plus point for a model. Getting enough sleep to avoid eye puffiness, model eyes should look big and bright on camera. Proper diet and good sleep make a big difference too.
Fashion modeling requires extra effort to make a successful career and bright future. The modeling field is filled with extreme challenges. If you figure out your passion and your style, as a fashion model, there is no way to stop you from becoming a well-known personality.
Areeba Arif